Monday, October 17, 2011

Passionate and Inspired

Anger, love, jealously, ecstasy, revenge, happiness, sadness, determination, arrogance, confidence, overconfidence, respect, adoration... the list is endless. I can go on like this. It is really difficult to capture the full range of emotions that runs through your mind. I mean, just take your normal day. You go out on a walk not thinking anything in particular. But as you walk, you start thinking 'stuff' up. A sea of emotions starts coming into your subconscious. Sometimes triggered by the things that you see around you, sometimes by the things that has been bothering you for quite a while or sometimes by things you dont have control over. Or maybe not even any of these. Just an idea that has captured your imagination to the extend of obsession/ to the extend of madness. It starts growing like a virus in your mind that it consumes all your space. You start shrinking in the very presence of the idea. The idea becomes become the idea. It starts consuming your time with futile thoughts, various 'ifs' and 'buts' start to grow out of nowhere. You start seeing endless possibilities and risks in that one idea. Then suddenly with one snap of your fingers you return to reality. I wouldn't mind if the reader thinks (at this point of time) that I am slowly loosing my mind.

 But tell me you have never dwelt on the immense possibilities of a stupid idea that suddenly emerged out of nowhere and fantasized on 'how nice if it were real!!!' Let's take it one step further... what if a remote possibility exists that the idea (let's use 'thought' from now) could actually become reality one day, if all the variables in the equation are taken care of? There my friends is where passion comes from. But sadly, passion can only take you as far as how passionate you actually are about the thought. Absolutism is always and on any day better than feelings stained with dyes of other feelings. Absolute love not stained by judgement, absolute hatred not stained by sympathy and the absolute feeling of revenge not stained by the feeling of weakness. All these are powerful forces which can drive a reasonable guy away from his reason. It can lead a person to make the most shocking of choices if ever presented before him/her. But for the 'protagonist' there is always a reason behind his choice and that for him/her always makes sense. This reason is what we call inspiration.

You draw inspiration from various 'events' around you. It can be an act of love, an act of kindness, an act of cruelty, a feeling of sympathy. The stronger the source of your inspiration the stronger you feel to work towards your goal. If your passion and inspiration are complementary, there is no force on this earth that can stop that idea from becoming true (as long as you are true to yourself). If you are really passionate about something, my friends, you will find the source of your inspiration in the journey of life. Since life always has its way of surprising us at every corner, you are most likely to find your inspiration from the most unexpected place, people or whatever 'variables'.

I stop this nonsensical babbling with another thought, and a warning. What if your ultimate source of inspiration is a woman and her life? And... by living your passion you take one step closer to realizing her?

Warning: (In this particular case) Don't count your chickens before they hatch. 

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