Friday, January 6, 2012

2011... In Retrospection

2011… what should I say about the year that was? To summarize, I wish I could relive it again. In the words of my friend “Ettinabhuja, Chandra Tal, Kumaraparvatha”. These words might seem just gibberish to you. But these mean a lot more, than I can explain it in the form of words, to me and some people very close to me. I am not even trying to capture the essence of these words in this post as it would be nothing short of futile. Rather I would focus on how the year meant more to me than these three words.

The year couldn’t have begun any better. Alone… En route Pune to Bangalore to Trivandrum by bus. As expected, the entire year I was travelling... sometimes for fun, sometimes for adventure and a couple of times for football. Picking up the bag and just walking out of the front door to places unknown and unseen to me became a habit. The sight of my backpack in office became so common that it prompted my colleagues to ask me the question “Where to today?” more than often. All this said and done, travelling was only a part of what happened during the year. A location shift, quitting my job and falling in love (and still in love) with a girl whom I have never even met till now (more in love with the IDEA of such a girl) being the other highlights I can remember. All in all, if someone asked me to point out one thing I would like to forget that happened last year, I would reply him, “I guess it’s already done as I don’t remember!!!”

But the essence of the year lies in these small instances which makes you feel special and these tiny hints that people give you which makes you feel proud about yourself, maybe like an unexpected reward from your company, a letter from your manager, a story that makes you idolize someone instantly, the hint of sadness and that tear your friend tried to hide in vain when you had to leave, the words “I will miss you” said right from the heart, the words “You are the best” from a lifelong friend and last but not the least, the words “I have faith in you” coming from the people you love. Yes, I had it all last year. As I pen down these words, there are a lot more that I would like to add to the previous list, but I am exercising caution. I realize that this post has just been a teaser and I am ending it in an abrupt halt. But this is intended to a select few who will understand every word of what is written above.

I know not what the year ahead has in store for me. It would be folly to think that it would be smooth and welcoming, seeing the tasks I have at hand. All that I can do is hope the year holds something promising ahead. So far everything seems going well. But as I so often say, life has its way of showing the finger when you least expect and then asking you to deal with it. Well, if and when that happens, I shall smile and remember the three words my friend told me... “Ettinabhuja, Chandra Tal, Kumaraparvatha”.

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