Saturday, July 21, 2012

Thank You Mr.Nolan for Giving Me a Sleepless Night

I don’t blog movie reviews. It is a matter of choice as I don’t prefer dissecting a work no matter how good or bad it is and debate on the tiny nuances that lead the movie to be a blockbuster or a flop. But Christopher Nolan has forced my hand. I am here not as a film critique, or an expert who has a self assuming aura of ‘know it all’ around him. I am here as what I truly am, one of the million viewers who watched his latest creation The Dark Knight Rises on screen. A viewer who just stepped out of the screener and realized that life and films will never be the same again. A viewer whose faith has been restored in quality cinema after years of disdain and indifference. Yes Mr. Nolan, you have made a believer out of me.

Movies have always had a big impact on me. It has always been something more than mere entertainment. Be it the Lord of the Rings, or the earlier Batman epics, The Departed, Shawshank Redemption, I have this terrible tendency of comparing some acts from these movies to real life. Some lines said in the movies just remain with you till the end of time, like “There is some good left in this world, Mr.Frodo and it is worth fighting for” by Samwise Gamgee or “They teach you that you can either be a cop or a killer, but what I ask you is this… When you are facing a loaded gun, what’s the difference” from Departed, to mention a few.

But it would take more than a genius to conceptualize something like Inception or Prestige or take a ‘good old’ super hero flick like Batman, which is the good defeats the bad and everybody lives happily ever after tale, and turn it into something more than that. Yes even in this movie all of the above does happen. Some might argue it to be a very predictable ending. But I got out of theatre feeling happy that the movie ended the way it did. For the first time I was happy to see the hero survive (this coming from a Director who has no qualms in killing any of his characters). I was happy to see the movie end the way it ended because it gave me hope to look for something anew next time. I left the theatre with a feeling of fulfillment and therein lies the success of the film maker.

After Dark Knight and the ‘wtf’, ‘holy cow’ performance of Heath Ledger as Joker, I had often wondered how Nolan or anyone could beat this performance and that script. How could anyone think of bringing a sequel that will live up to the expectations or how anyone else could even dare to think about making a movie on Batman. But Nolan made a believer out of me. He made me believe that there is always room for improvement and that a person’s most powerful tool is his brain. Remember the thing teachers used to tell us in school that we use only 7% or 11% of our brain’s true potential. I kind of actually believe in it now.

Being a Mallu and owing my schooling to a kick ass ‘boys only’ school I have this inherent cynicism in me, which does not hesitate to pounce on the slightest bit of mediocrity that I find in a movie or in life for that matter. The fact that Malayalam cinema is at least 10 years ahead of any other movie industry in India doesn’t help much. But for all those ‘critics’ out there who criticize this particular movie, I say only this. Try it yourself. Try to write a script so powerful and deep that it leaves you intrigued and brainstorming for hours after. Try to direct a movie which can actually keep the viewers glued to the seats and then produce a sequel to that movie and deliver above the expectations of the viewers. If you cannot do any of this, at least buy a ticket from your own money and go watch the movie, instead of going on free passes to screenings with your knowledgeable façade. In short, change your job and get a life.

I know I have been very one sided and have been showering praises like never before (quite unlike me, my friends will say). But I seriously think I can be allowed a little latitude this time for the sake of my deprived sleep and my pumping adrenaline.

To conclude I would like to quote my friend… “Today you have become something more than a mere mortal, Mr. Nolan… you have become a LEGEND”

Friday, July 20, 2012

What Not to Write a Girl the Last Time You See Her

 “A girl can have amazing effects on your priorities. She can have disastrous effects on the choices you make and the way you lead your life. After I shifted to Hyderabad, leaving all that the wonderful Pune had offered and had yet to offer me, I had nothing else in my mind other than to find my own feet and more importantly find myself again. But the thing with life is that it takes you on a wonderful joy ride and then one fine day it shows you the finger and asks you to deal with it. It was something like that when I first met you. There was this girl with eyes so expressive and like diamonds that you would stake all your wealth on them to get another look and hair so smooth and as long as the winter night... with the smile that would melt away the last remnants of anger in your heart caused due to her immense stupidity and stubbornness. But quite frankly, you find a lot of girls like that in this world and a majority of them are sure to turn out to be shallow and (pardon your grace) dumb. Despite these mental cautionary notes, from the moment I met you, something told me that we are gonna be more than just colleagues. But never was I ready to start a serious relationship of any sort for that matter.

The feeling you give to the world: A fun, easy going girl from a well to do family, over cautious about the way you look, giving utmost importance to what people would think about the way you present yourself and absolutely loves to be the center of attraction. It is even reflected in the way you pose for a picture. The way you dress up every day, the way you carry yourself and the funny accent you have when you speak your native tongue, all points to one inescapable fact (if I were to judge you just by your looks) a typical high class girl who worries more about the size of her bosoms and green of her nail polish, than about what goes around her. This thought din't change that much after those long coffees we had during our first days. Your shopaholic nature and craving for horoscope confirmed the ‘Indian version of the dumb blonde’ in you. But it took lesser time and more conversations between us, for me to realize that you were more than just looks, with a deep sense of mystery which if pondered into, would be an utter unnecessary waste of my time. Nevertheless, I was relieved to find out that you were more than just looks. I was actually surprised at the level you confided in me right from the beginning (never realized I had that effect on girls J). But when I sensed that your ‘best friend’ considered it some kind of competition when he saw me with you, I decided to cut down on the talks. Why hurt... or get hurt for that matter.

Every morning you started our conversation with the same question “How do I look?” and every morning I would just smile. Well, here is what I think: You are undoubtedly one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. Stylish, confident and sure of yourself. Wonderful sense of dressing and definitely knows to make a first impression. Personally, I feel you could be on the ‘chubbier’ side of things (if you catch my drift). Will definitely fall in love with your hair at first sight. Eyes say a lot more than your words. Though I have caught a devil’s glimpse, I have not ‘observed’ enough to comment on… you know what all. Have a wholesome laugh, but seldom hear it due to unwanted reservations. Traditional wear suites you more than western clothing. Looks ravishing in saree and open locks. A closer look reveals signs of anorexia. I believe there is a hidden animal in you waiting to pounce, but only in front of the person you trust most. Very curvaceous and even a blind man will admire your beauty. Everyday you look beautiful than the day before and your smile comes as a balm to a troubled soul. Totally unwanted and fruitless boasting, which won't get me anywhere, if you ask me. I hate saying this, but I don’t find the need to comment on something that is as visible as light itself. Besides, you look a darling when irritated. I wouldn’t miss that look on your face for anything.

I wish we could stay in touch, though I know it wouldn’t be possible as ‘karma is a bitch’ and my karma takes me elsewhere and I hate mobile phones. But I shall come to see you when the time is right and when I need those long talks with you. Though it might appear that I am appealing you to mend your ways, I am not asking anything of you as it would be futile. Stay the way you are. You are good that way.

Signing off,
Yours always Unfaithfully…"

# Needless to say this letter IS FICTITIOUS