Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Tribute to the Next Door Indian and... My Reflection

How do you define patriotism? Is it only the courage shown by our soldiers in the face of enemy fires? The mental stability that sees them through inhuman conditions they face throughout the year in the highest battlefield on earth, scorching deserts and inhabitable forests… forced to live on creatures that would make a civilian puke, forced to live away from their beloved for months together. What motivates them to take up these tasks I suppose.

Today, I was reading an article in the paper which had stories of soldiers and civilians who had seen action during the Indo – China war. I wonder what I would have done if faced with a similar situation. I wonder if I would ever face such a situation. The paper ran stories of how soldiers survived excess of 15 days without food, surrounded by the enemy… stories of how entire battalions fought to the last bullet rather than retreat to safety.

I wonder what goes on through the mind of a soldier when he realizes that there is no escape and that he has to hold the line as long as he can. I wonder if he ever realizes this fact until a bullet hits him. I guess the officers would know and this makes their last moments even tougher. Being a civilian all that I can do is contemplate on the ifs and buts. But I do wonder, if it is really patriotism that drives our brave, or is it the sense of duty, the sense of not to let down the person standing next to you that runs paramount in their mind. I guess it must be the latter that would be a more powerful motivator. The sense that there is no one else to do the job that leads them to do brave deeds of which bards sing songs as long as life exists. But is this the only way to be patriotic? 

How can we, as civilians, be patriotic? Supporting the Indian cricket team by getting drunk in a pub and screaming at the top of our voices, sitting on the window of our sports car with the Indian flag and getting our hand chopped off by a bus coming in the opposite direction would be a start I guess (exaggeration of some memories). Criticizing the government for the waste of public wealth and holding personal discussions on how this land will never improve and cursing your fate of belonging to such a corrupt society and then, voting the same government back to power, would take you to the next level of intellectual masturbators. Finally, throwing the bundle of plastic bags into the nearby road early in the morning, spitting and peeing wherever you please, jaywalking through busy roads and blaming the accidents as the sole responsibility of the rash drunken drivers would make you the ideal patriot.

You can go a step further by filming a gang rape on a public place and uploading it in the social media and broadcasting on national television in the name of investigative journalism and being the ‘responsible citizen’ who helped nab the ‘culprits’. Wanna be the model citizen? On your way from office have a couple of pegs, buy some petrol, go home, beat up your wife for not giving the second installment of the demanded dowry and for giving birth to a girl, tie them up together and burn them. Though we have lesser model and responsible citizens, in a way we all are intellectual masturbators and ideal patriots.

If you are thinking that I am going to suggest ways out of this, sorry you are mistaken. As for me, I am just going to go by doing my business, pay my taxes… Floyd, travel and trek my way to an early grave if Providence be so kind. Yes, I am going to do NOTHING. You have no idea how productive it can be. As the saying goes, most of the harm that came to this world was done by people who wanted to do something good.
And for those whose blood ‘boiled’, or such similar superlatives, and are thinking of joining the Civil Services, please don’t. If you do, you can watch all of the above, every single day, smile, sign and be on your way. If you are lucky, the government might even give you an allowance for toilet paper so that you can wipe off their mess and their ass after they are done (apologies for the unplesantaries and offensive language, if you found any).

I envy the soldiers for choosing the easy way out. Dying once is preferable to dying every single day is what I mean.

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