Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Bears, Bulls and Deers

A week more of class... Some in my class say they are sad to leave college. Some say they'll miss 'those golden days'. For a boy who has not been to any of the class tours, any arts festival and have just the required percent of attendance and too with a chunk of duty leave, I don't have to explain my 'emotions'.

At this junction I evaluate my last 4 years. What have I gained? What have I lost? What have I learned?

Gains... I have always been rich in the matter of friends and in the past four years I grew even richer. Frankly, I did not expect to find any true company out of my school. Though I found only a handful, they are still with me and am happy they happened. I believe that, except for boozing, smoking and having an affair, I, along with a friend of mine have done everything, anybody can imagine, and even more, one can do in a city like Trivandrum. The lessons learned from these experiences have certainly helped us become more mature and more wary of the world around us.

The past four years were a mixed curry for me. Disappointments happened in regular intervals, a large chunk of which came in the form of results. My college days turned out to be a bit of disappointing too, because, even though I tried I could never really enjoy my time there. In the beginning I used to go back to my school to find my peace. A sense of calm always filled me when I entered the gates. Never has any other place appeared so inviting to me. Who doesn't want to be in a place where you are known, loved and respected.

Lessons learned were plenty.The first and most important one was that emotions have no place in this world. It has been very difficult, but ever since, I have tried not to let any of my decisions be lingered by emotions. After this, I have done only things that I like, and have been officially labeled a 'rebel' for it. Another lesson I learned was that if you believe that you are right you must stick with it no matter what others think about it. This belief has seen me through a lot of really tough times, many of which were really unpleasant.

Unlike my other posts I was more serious in this one. I really want to write more and more in this regard... But I don't think am ready to share myself with you people. Maybe in the future...

And no am NOT writing this because of any particular event that happened recently and CERTAINLY NOT because any heart break or such stuff. Yeh be warned against asking me anything in this regard either personally or through comments. I MEAN IT!!!!!


Borat said...

first dude..Il tell us umthin. Im a person who left Loyola in tenth....no where could I fit in myself. The crowd nd d atmosphere is just...LOYOLA. Secondly the things u learned in coll...ul learn all dat in crap once u cum 2 a really competetive world. Its wat u r and wat u du at d end of d day. No matter hw gud a frnd u r or hw gud a human u r.....I tell this with a small pathos but dats the truth man.

Unknown said...

most are correct... some i disagree..
and mate... being a rebel isnt a bad thing... believe me, rebels make this world.. be proud to be a rebel.. who wants monotony in anything?.. be different.. believe in what u think is correct until proven wrong... br a rebel and also be ready to accept wen u are wrong... are a couple of great lessons.. very great person has done something differently..na?

and not enjoying coll.. ya.. u may be or amy not be right.. i can only take ur word for that...

and you have done evrything except those three?... wow.. hehe.. but i think i agree with u with the 'mature' part...'wary' part, i disagree... you see the greatest theory is, u are only wary of something thats not known.. when you know it, the fear is gone...

so i think u would be less wary of the world that others.. and if u still insist u r wary...mate.. i'll have to ask u to learn lessons from experiences.. coz that coould be why u r.. er.... wary.. hehe..

Anonymous said...

dei...firstly, don't regret anything you've done..or not done..
secondly, don't have any moral issues with anything. if u won't screw your life up majorly by doing the thing you are about to do, just do it. don't think too much!! :)